Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sentence Outline

Spinocelebellar Ataxia or Degeneration

I. Introduction
Slide 3

Spinocerebellar degeneration is the diagnose illness of Aya Ikeuchi, a 15-year old japanese girl. This illness was introduced to the public through the film ONE LITRE OF TEARS.
II.Spinocerebellar degeneration or ataxia is a disease in the nervous system.
A.It often occurs when parts of the nervous system that control movement are damaged.
III.This disease has many different causes.
A.Most of its causes are hereditary.
1.Autosomal dominant, in which the affected person inherits a normal gene from one parent and a faulty one from the other parent.
2.Autosomal recessive, in which both parent pass on a copy of the faulty gene.
3. It can also be caused by having an extra copies of a normal protein, not just a mutated one.
B.Still, it can be acquired.
1.CSpinocerebellar degeneration is the diagnose illness of Aya Ikeuchi, a 15-year old japanese girl. This illness was introduced to the public through the film ONE LITRE OF TEARS.A.It often occurs when parts of the nervous system that control movement are damaged.A.Most of its causes are hereditary.
1.Autosomal dominant, in which the affected person inherits a normal gene from one parent and a faulty one from the other parent.
2.Autosomal recessive, iA.Most of its causes are hereditary.
1.Autosomal dominant, in which the affected person inherits a normal gene from one parent and a faulty one from the other parent.
2.Autosomal recessive, in which both parent pass on a copy of the faulty gene.
3. It can also be caused by having an extra copies of a normal protein, not just a mutated one.
B.Still, it can be acquired.onditions that can cause acquired ataxia include stroke, multiple sclerosis, tumors,alcoholism, metabolic disorders, and vitamin deficiencies.
IV.There are many types of ataxia.
A.Autosomal dominant spinocerebellar degeneration includes spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) types 1,2,3 and 6.
1.SCA type 1 is characterized by either hypermetric or slow saccades.
2.SCA type 2 diminish velocity saccades areflexia.
3.SCA type 3 or the Machado-Joseph disease involves a rapid, involuntary, oscillatory motion of the eyeball and occasionally slow saccades.
4.SCA type 6 is shown by downbeating nystagmus,and positional vertigo.
B.Ataxias caused by other factors.
1.SCA 4, which usually results to the absence of neurologic reflexes.
2.SCA 5 has an average duration of 25 years.
3.SCA 7 is characterized by macular degeneration,and slow saccades.
4.SCA 8 is often shown by horizontal nystagmus.
V.Symptoms of ataxia are usually common among its categories or types.
A.Common symptoms observed in a person with ataxia are slow saccades, nystagmus and paralysis.
VI.Treatments are already catered to persons who have the spinocerebellar disease.
A.If the ataxia is caused by another condition, that underlying condition is treated first.
1.Ataxia caused by a metabolic disorder may be treated with medications and a controlled diet.
2.Vitamin deficiency is treated with vitamin therapy.
3.But some acquired ataxia are incurable.
3.1Those that are acquired through alcoholism for years..
B.However,there's no known cure for the hereditary ataxia.
VII.Our conclusion.
Spinocerebellar degeneration, a rare disease,yet it was able to be introduced to the public by the film about a true-to-life story of a 15-year old girl.It's incurable in some cases.That's why we must be very careful because it could also be acquired through alcoholism,which is undeniable in our country.